Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Is An Update On What We've Been On As of Late

I think it's time for me to update this garbage. I never really intended to use this blog so I don't really know why I made it. It's currently 3:40 in the morning and I'm just sitting here listening to music while uploading my last batch of Lakers highlights for the season so I decided to write on my blog. I know my other posts have been pretty insignificant, but no one reads this shit anyway. At least I don't think anyone does.

So, the last couple months since I last updated have been alright. Lakers are back where they belong, K-Sean isn't as emo as usual for various reasons and I have the whole summer off. It's kind of been an up and down last few months though. Mainly due to the fact that I over-analyze everything and lack the initiative and drive to pursue anything. Well I have the drive but it never seems to materialize into anything of value. I'm slowly learning that each journey begins with one step (corny I know). The problem with me is that I always have difficulty taking that first step. Call it a lack of confidence, a lack of motivation or whatever but I can just never seem to find it within myself to be who I know I can be. Whether it's with school, life, etc. It only took me a couple years to realize that life is what you make of it. I've been pretty hard on myself and it began to negatively affect me. While it may not have shown, I really was not happy with myself at all. I know better days are ahead of me because I will no longer let me hold myself down. I'm still a bit of a pessimist and I know I need to fix that. Old habits die hard as they say. Starting today, I won't always dwell on the negative side of a situation or always expect the worse. Yea, it's easier said than done but I know I can do it. Or maybe I'm just all talk. We'll see.

I feel kind of weird writing all this stuff down. It does feel good letting it out though. No homo. I've always thought that it was weird for people to write about what they were feeling for the world to see but I do see why someone would do so. It's kind of therapeutic. I still do feel pretty lame for doing this regardless. Who knows if I'll ever update this again?

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